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Portland Soccer Club

Portland Soccer Club

Weather Policy

PSC wants to ensure all players have a great experience and will make every attempt to play/practice as long as the weather allows but player safety is our priority. In the event of extreme temperatures or other inclement weather, the following criteria will be used when making these decisions:

Rain Policy - Rainout Line

PSC may play when it is raining so long as it can be done safely. Severe rain that causes pooling on or around the fields may lead to field closures. This will be determined by the Portland Parks and Recreation Department and PSC.

The Portland Parks and Recreation Department will update the Rainout Line by 3:00pm on weekdays and by 7:00 on Saturdays if there is rain.
PSC will make the call if it is after 3:00 pm on a weekday or after 7:00 am on a Saturday. This will be communicated via email and social media.

Lightning Policy - Lightning Safety Guidelines
PSC follows the guidelines set by US Youth Soccer. If thunder or lightning is present all activities must cease. As we do not have enough space in an enclosed building, everyone should seek cover in their cars. The concession stand pavilion is not a recommended gathering area as it is still open. Activity may resume after 30 minutes of no further thunder/lightning. If there is no expectation that the weather will improve all activities will be cancelled.

Heat Policy - USSF Recognize to Recover
TN Soccer follows the guidelines set by USSF and the Portland Parks and Recreation Department follows guidelines set by TSSAA. These policies are different approaches so PSC will take both into account.

Cold PolicyUSSF Cold Weather Guidelines
Practices and/or games will be cancelled if the actual or "feels like" temperature is at freezing or below. Sweatshirts or jackets can be worn but should be kept under the uniform during games. Hoodies should be tucked into the shirt collar to avoid the chance it can be pulled.


Portland Soccer Club
PO Box 217 
Portland, Tennessee 37148

Email: [email protected]

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